Doyle Chapter 1 and 2 Understandings

I found the section labeled "Shade and Shadow" in chapter 1 to be most helpful. I never thought to think of shade and shadow as two different things while drawing.Remembering that all the shadows of all the verticals in the drawing will fall in the same direction is important. I feel that I sometimes struggle with this concept while shading my drawings so keeping this in mind will definitely be helpful. Casting edges should always be considered when shading certain surfaces. Sitting down and analyzing where the sun is will be truly helpful.

In chapter 2, I found the "Accents" section to be extremely helpful in that it gave useful tips when trying to achieve final touches. Metallic pens and markers can be extremely beautiful in a drawing when working as small touches and glisten convincingly as they catch the light. I think this would be extremely helpful when I am rendering a kitchen or bathroom. The only downfall that I read about is that they will not copy effectively on a color photocopier and must be added to each copy.



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